
Ghost #1 emerged from a single remnant of a ceramic pot, now re-imagined as two halves of a whole.

Ghost #2, Ghost #3 and Ghost #4 were all created from the same eroded brick, each being reconstructed to varying degrees of completion.

 The Ghost series captures an ongoing-ness, a sense that no material is ever resolved into a final form, regardless of how it may be designated or labelled as so by the human beholder. By evoking the past of these found objects, the fluidity of matter is highlighted, describing the latent agency of the nonhuman; it was no human actant that wore down these once-designated wholes to single remnants, creating forms that are now merely alluded to by shadowy ghosts of what once was.

March 2021, ceramic and air-drying clay, 60x60x45mm


lost//found at sea


After rock